Monday, December 29, 2008

New Years Features

It's been a while since the last post....darn holiday's.  Actually we've been real busy adding some cool stuff to Picnic Dog.  It's what you've all been asking for so we hope you enjoy it.

Once you've added your meal to your list it's pretty set in stone.  You can of course delete it, but say you just had a small typo
, you'd have to retype your whole meal.  You can see now that we've added a new link to you your blog list - "Edit".  This will allow you to edit your meal for .....well what ever reason you have to edit.  You can change what type of meal it was, breakfast, lunch...etc, and you can also change the text.  EDIT AWAY!.

The big news however is below.  You can now compute the nutritional value for a meal.  Before you could just simply look up a foods nutritional value using the food search, which we've moved.  We've moved the food search into the "bark" page of the application, the page where you view your meal.  Here you can search for foods and look up there nutrional values.  Once found, you can add the food to your meal. Picnic Dog will then compute the total nutritional value for you meal based on the foods you've selected. 

All this being said we've got a bunch more features in the works including but not limited to reporting on the nutrition you are consuming and weight management (the weight part will not an opt, in out feature when it comes to sharing!)

So Happy New Year.  I hope 2009 is a healthy one!